Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I want to blog real bad right now.
But I don't have anything important to say.
Actually I don't even have anything unimportant to say.
Except that I have issues.
Lots of them.
And every time I think one is taken care of
four more make themselves known.

Monday, October 5, 2009


"The same power that conquered the grave lives in me."

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I have subconsciously closed my heart to let God fill me. Because of this, I have nothing to give anyone, ever. This will change. Now.
"Dance with me. O lover of my soul. To the song of all songs. Romance me. O lover of my
soul. To the song of all songs"
I love Rockpointe Community Church.
I long to be a part of their family.

Well Jonathon is twenty today :) And I think he is the greatest boy I have ever met. And I think us being together is the greatest. I like that he plays guitar while I read my Bible. I like that he is the most handsome man ever. And everything about me wishes I could be in California right now as he leads worship at his church for three services.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday Morning.

Spinach and feta cheese scrambled eggs.
The Shack.
Starbucks coffee compliments of my roommate.
New shampoo.
New hairspray.
Pandora radio playing Jesus music.
Jonathon's birthday tomorrow and I didnt even send him a card because I am a procrastinator and dates creep up on me far too quickly. It's a good thing I have a fun plan for my trip out there to make up for it :)
I never blog.
I want a church family.
I'm sick of ichat making Jonathon all pixely and strange.
I miss praying for hours.
I miss journaling pages at a time.
I love being a teacher.
I love singing to my babies even though anyone who walks by has to contain their laughter.
I am picture crazy for my babies and want to plaster their precious faces all over the classroom.
"On the night you were born" is the best book and holding Zechariah while reading it makes me cry. I love him.
Nicole is selling Norwex now and I am super excited to have a party for her because Norwex rocks. Stay tuned.
Angela is so beautiful. I love hanging out with her.
I love Eric hugs. He is such a great brother.
I miss Denise and Mike with everything I have. I might have been able to have skyped them this morning but I am a horrible horrible sister and completely forgot to tell them. Now I miss them even more.
I hope the weather clears up so Hugh and I can go on a nature walk today.
I miss the joy of the Lord because I think too much and don't pray enough anymore.
I think Jonathon is the most patient boyfriend ever.
My parents are amazing. I don't want them to move anywhere but Royal Oak.
I don't want a wedding, at all.
But when I think about the people dear to me, I get sad thinking of them not there.
I have a ridiculous desire to bake all day.
I dance to techno music to get a work out. So what?
I miss some certain people a whole lot.
I don't know why I express my life in random thoughts.
I love the "Shack" despite all of the controversy.
It has displayed God in such a beautiful beautiful way to me.
And it makes me long for him so much more.
I don't know what I would do without Jaime.
Nicole put together a handy budget for me.
I plan on being so disciplined to it because Irma might die soon :(
Irma wouldn't be living so healthily right now if Eric didn't take such good care of her.
I have to leave to babysit now and I am not ready in the least.
Silly blogging.

"I'm lost without you LORD."
"All I need is you LORD."