Sunday, March 28, 2010


This morning I tried on Jonathon's glasses.
The room went so crazy blurry.
While he wasn't wearing his contacts we then proceeded to look around the room and describe the way we saw things.
His glasses make my perfect sight like his nearly blind sight.
It was all so strange.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I have had some very very strange dreams lately.
Maybe I can accredit it to the twin bed Jonathon and I have been sharing for 2 months now.
Or maybe to the fact that I watch CSI: Miami on a regular basis.
Regardless of why I am having them, they are weird.

About a week ago I had a dream my mom and I were shopping at an American Eagle.
She wanted to buy me a new pair of shoes.
She picked out these black chunky things and said she wanted to buy them for me because they'd go with anything.
I politely told her I had a lot of black shoes and I wanted something more fun and sassy.
So we found these real tall and strappy blue shoes.
They were awesome.
And were on sale!
So we found a generic pair of black shoes that we decided we'd get too and just share.
And then as we were going to check out we realized they were on sale too!
So we were ecstatic.
And since my mom saved so much money we saw these lions that were pretty cheap considering they were full grown lions.
Naturally we thought owning a lion would be pretty sweet.
We purchased him.
We were so excited to show my dad but when he saw we bought a lion he was pissed off.
I mean livid.
He took one look at the lion covered in a burlap bag and told us it was not tame.
Since it was not tame he then had to build another room onto the house for it to stay in.
I held the lion very firmly against the wall as he proceeded to do this.
Since I am little compared to a full grown lion my dad only had 24 hours to build this new room.
So there I stood.
Holding this untamed lion against the wall.
And that's when I woke up.
My arms were flexed and I was sweating.

Last night I had a dream I was adopted.
I didn't recognize anyone in my dream and it was all so very strange.
The only thing I remember was when my adoptive mom took me to meet my new grandma.
We sat on the floor for some reason on her real ugly carpet and talked.
Her name was Grandma Tozo.
I really liked her and thought that I was going to be happy with my adoptive family.
And this mom leans over to the Grandma Tozo and says
"Emily doesn't know this yet, but we plan on running her entire life for her and never allowing her to make a single decision for herself."
And then I woke up.

I didn't want to go back to sleep for the lion dream.
I was too worn out and as my arms were weakening I was afraid it would sense my fading strength and turn to attack.

But this adoptive dream last night I really wanted to go back to sleep to see what would happen next. I wonder how I would have responded. I bet I would have run away. I have never run away in real life so I bet in my dream I would have.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Shred.

I am disappointed to say that I am back to The Shred.
I reached a point last summer where I could do level three and barely break a sweat.
Now I am stuck on level two. Sweating. A lot.
I am determined to make this change very quickly by getting my body into a routine of waking up at 615 to work out before work every day.
I am looking forward to this very much.
I am also looking forward to the weekends of beautiful sun and heat where I can swim laps in the pool.
Although it won't be as good of a workout since Jaime wont be here.
She always loved kicking my butt by making me swim without my arms or legs for laps at a time.
And well.
We did almost drown once.
That was a good time.


I hope by reading this blog you have an extra laugh in your day...

Okay bye.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


My mom just stayed up until one in the morning to talk to me.
It was fantastic.
She is such an amazing woman.
I love that she is my friend.
Angela is so beautiful and I love when she talks.
My dad is such a goofball.
Some of the things he was doing on skype reminded me so much of Jonathon.
I think they are a lot more alike than I have realized.
Every goofy face or anything silly that he continued to do because he got a kick out of it just reminded me of my everyday life with Jonathon.
And it made my heart super happy.
Because having a dad like him was amazing.
He always made us laugh, and it was okay when it was at him, he didn't mind.
Jon is that way with me already.
He'll be such a great dad in 5 years.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Zechariah :)

My mom just sent me a series of videos of my amazing amazing nephew.
Oh golly I just can't get enough of him.
You should see him now.
So perfect.
So funny.
So stubborn. :)
I get to hug the bageebers out of him in 2 months!!
It is going to be the very best.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I am failing miserably at being a fantastic blogger.
Every spare moment I have I want to spend with Jonathon and not on the computer.
This whole once a week blog has got to stop.
I also have to post pictures of my amazing apartment.
I have found something I absolutely hate about California;
that is the time change from Michigan.
When Jonathon leaves in the evening some nights a week are perfect opportunities to sit cuddled up in my bed talking to my beautiful friends and family in Michigan.
But by then they are all sleeping.
And that is so very lame to me.
I have an hour break for lunch which I use to call my mom sometimes.
But I have decided that some days I really just need that break for me.
Sometimes I need a break from talking believe it or not.
And I have discovered a bike path by my work.
So one of these days during my break I will awkwardly change in my car and strap on my rollerblades and go for an hour long adventure!!! I am so excited.
I am also excited to come home in less than three months.
Also on the note of sometimes needing a break from talking, sometimes I really don't.
Jon has been at church since I got home at about 8.
And I worked out and showered and blah blah.
And I talk to myself.
Out loud.
One night Jon was gone all evening and I didn't talk to myself once.
I tried to sleep forever and I couldn't because I just missed him so much.
And when he walked through the door I was uncontrollable.
I have never heard myself speak so quickly in my life.
I am pretty sure I didn't breathe for an hour.
He thought it was hilarious.
But it tuckered me right out.
So now I have discovered that if I talk to myself out loud.
I don't need to store it all up and dump it on him the moment I see his face.
Which by the way,
is so absolutely handsome.

I guess I do the same thing when I only blog once a week as well.
One random statement to the next.
Jonathon will be home any minute now!
Oh I just get so giddy for him.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Jon and I have been living together for six weeks now or something.
We have two toothbrushes in the little toothbrush holder thing.
Just this moment we have discovered that we have been using the same toothbrush.
I thought it was a discovery deserving of its own blog.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Missing Jonathon.

Jonathon is playing a show tonight.
21+ only.
I am so sick of being little.
Instead I will stay home and be super productive with everything I have already gotten behind on since I have started work. Bad wife points already!
And then drink nyquil and go to bed real early since I have an approximately 12 hour day tomorrow.
A few of the kids at work have these nasty nasty coughs.
Of course, no matter how many vitamins I take, orange juice I drink and how many hours I sleep, I have been waking up through the nights with this awful painful cough :) But I feel fine enough to function at least.
Life is good.
Loving California more and more everyday.
It's weird that 5 weeks in I feel like there is still so entirely much to do.
I miss Handprints.
I miss Zechariah.
That is all to my story.