Friday, September 17, 2010

Lead Me.

This song is amazing to me.
I just think it is so essential for men to understand this!
I really do have a sensational husband.

I also think Sarah was really funny to be laughing at God.
I also think I'm really funny to do the same thing when I read how God spoke to her and I hear how God speaks to me.
Tonight I am very busy thinking I guess because I am also thinking of how I am just not okay being sick.
I am also thinking of how many people don't have clean water.
Yet I dont feel well so I can just sit under wonderfully warm clean water for really as long as I like.
Also, I must be very out of it and very tired because Jonathon is currently gone at rehearsal and I keep hearing unsettling noises that make my heart leap until I realize that I was the cause of the noise. I need sleep.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

I love this song... I definitely want Brandon to learn how to play it!