Monday, February 23, 2009


I praised God for my body today.  It was a weird thing to do.  But I did it. And with all of my heart at that.  Usually I say it because I know I should but my heart doesn't really mean it.  Today my heart meant it.  Seriously.  I am not nervous to put on a bathing suit in two days, or embarrassed to wear shorts and a tank top.  God made my body so unique and I am told to praise him for his creation.  And that is what I am.  His Creation.  

"You make everything glorious
And I am Yours
What does that make me?"

I have spent so much time lately feeding into the lies Satan tries to attack me with.  The ridiculous thing is is that they are not clever, I never fail to see right through them, yet I fall for them time and time again.  Not this time.  Trying on some clothes today as I began to pack Satan tried his work at me.  But I ignored him and praised my Creator instead.  This was an experience I hope every girl can have.  For myself I plan on waking up and praising God as I look at myself first thing in the morning.  I do not want to give Satan any foothold into my thoughts about myself.  

So in like a week when I post or say something stupid and completely opposing to this blog.  Make me read this again.  Thanks.  

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