Friday, February 6, 2009

I want to serve.

I want to serve the many people God has placed in my life and is going to place in my life.  
I want to do it not because I should or the Bible says so, but because I love them.  
I want to so deeply love the people that are in my life that I look past anything external and search deep into their eyes.  
Not only do I want to see the pain and hurt I want to feel it.  
I want my heart to break with others and my eyes to fill with tears over the struggles that people are going through.  
I don't only want to feed the poor but I want to learn why they can't afford food.  
I do not only want to shelter the homeless but I want to know why they don't have a home.  
I want to stop and talk to the people sitting on the streets that people call crazy.  
I do not want to just throw a few nickels into their can but take them out to dinner, where we can talk and learn about each other.  
I want to sit and hang out with the homeless while across the path everyone in their bikinis is enjoying the sunny beaches.  
I want to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when I am eating alone to save my money for dinners with the hungry.  
I want to take public transportation and talk to the people around me.  
I want to compliment the lonely woman on the beauty of her eyes, play a game with the child too tired to hold his head up, and tell the bus driver to enjoy the rest of his day.  
I want to overtip at restaurants because it will take the waitress by surprise and write her a note telling her how amazing she is because it will make her smile.  
I want to take off my shoes for the girl walking without any.  
I want to say hi to the man in the business suit too focused to look at anyone he speeds by.  
I want to read to the elderly because their family has abandoned them.  
I want to play peek a boo with children in the car next to me at toll booths, behind the rack of white t-shirts at salvation army, across the restaurant, and at the hospitals.  
I want to write letters to people I love and leave Bible verses taped to walls of public buildings. I want my days to be consumed with love for people that I will do anything it takes to make someone smile.  
I want to share my faith with everyone I meet because Jesus is the greatest and his love is unconditional and overwhelming.
I want to soften someone's heart so they are open to let the love of Jesus Christ invade and take over. 

I want Jesus in my heart always.  
I am so in love with him.  He never lets me down.  He loves my heart when it is too rotten, leads the way when I am lost, speaks to me when I am at a loss for words, kisses my cheek when I feel alone, wipes away my tears, tugs on my hand encouraging me to leap, washes me with his blood every time I fail him.  He never lets me down.  I am so in love with him.  
I want Jesus in my heart always.  

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