Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I feel like I should write.

I just want to shout out to the world what Jaime and I feel on our hearts to do.  But part of me wants to hold back.  I do not want people to know me as someone who says she is going to do something and then never does.  If something falls through in what might happen in this next year I do not want people to disregard what I might have on my heart in the future. 

But I just cannot contain my joy and excitement for what is to come.  I am excited to live an adventure and to be daring.  To be vulnerable and loving.  

On Sunday I posted the most mixed up blog ever about how crazy God is and how amazing my friendship with Jaime is.  Well we had this crazy idea that is totally of God.  We have asked a few people to pray for it looking for God's confirming answer without giving them any information.  They have and it has been great and intense.  We have been praying over the Bible before opening it and asking God to speak to us through what he leads us to read, and he has.  I want to say it is a little bit scary, because it is.  He is asking us to do something out of the ordinary and out of our comfort zones if we're being honest here.  But I guess that is what happens when you tell God you're willing to be and do whatever he wants of you. 

I know this is so ambiguous, but I am just so excited about it I could not hold it in anymore.  I will post more details when I have the time and information.

Kairos starts tomorrow and I am so excited!  I already way love the girls in our group.  

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