Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The other day I read in The Holy Wild this story:

(In Uganda, Africa)

"The Pastor asked if anyone had anything to share.  Many people wanted to, but a tall willowy woman in the back row danced and shouted the loudest, so he called her forward.  She came, twirling her long limbs, trilling out praise.
'Oh, brothers and sisters, I love Jesus so much,' she said.
'Tell us, sister! Tell us!' The Ugandans shouted back
'Oh, I love Him so much, I don't know where to begin.  He is so good to me.  Where do I begin to tell you how good he is to me?'
'Begin there, sister! Begin right there!'
'Oh,' she said, 'He is so good.  I praise Him all the time for how good He is.  For three months, I prayed to him for shoes. And look!'  And with that the woman cocked her leg so that we could see one foot.  One very ordinary shoe covered it.  'He gave me shoes.'
The Ugandans went wild.  They clapped, they cheered, they whistled, they yelled.

Have you counted how many pairs of shoes you have lately?

I have ten, not counting my flip flops.

Luke 3:11
"And he answered them, 'Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.'"


allison said...

hey emily- so normally i just glance over your posts when you tell us all to on facebook but i seriously read this one because i'm currently in an African class so it caught my attention and i have to say this has been the most motivating thing i've read all week. its so true and it really makes me love GOD just that much more! he is so good to me!

i guess i just wanted to say thanks for the boost of joy :)

Denise Janell said...

Look at all of them.. all the African children!! I love them!!