Monday, September 7, 2009

Why children belong in church.

I visited a new church yesterday.
It met in a high school.
The music was nothing more than some bongos, and acoustic guitar and a singer.
The speaker did not speak with immense eloquence that knocked my socks off.
There was one song in the beginning and two at the end.
During the last song I was deeply moved to tears.
God led me into prayer a ton during the message so it wasn't because of how the message stirred my heart. It was during Mighty to Save, a song that is nothing new to me.
But across the small stage stood a boy who would have been a large two year old if he was two.
He stood next to his father and mother.
And I just watched him look up at his father.
The love and adoration in the little boy's eyes made my heart race.
And then as his father raised his hands in worship, that precious little boy did the same with a huge smile on his face. He turned away from his dad and faced the screen, his mouth moved along in attempts to sing and with both arms raised and abandoned to God.
He did this for some time and then noticed the drummer.
He turned to face the chairs behind him and then proceeded to start drumming on the chairs.
This little boy is growing up watching what it means to love God with his whole heart.
He is already worshipping.
The Psalmist did write that out of the mouths of infants God has ordained praise...
I love my God.
I love his children.
I love that he has blessed me with such an amazing opportunity to teach his children.
I only hope that he continues to raise me up to be the teacher those children deserve.

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