Sunday, January 31, 2010


I love the adventures of life.
Jon and I are officially moved into our new place.
We are going to turn the keys for his old place in today.
Friday night was our first night here and last night held our first dinner.
I made chicken and pasta and we sat on the floor and ate with our new dishes and silverware.
It was good fun.
We laugh a lot.
I have already been to 3 goodwills.
We had our first grocery shopping trip as a married couple last night at Trader Joes.
We are going to costco today :)
It is my dad's birthday today and it is strange not being there for a big dinner with everyone around. I wonder if it will eventually feel normal to miss big things like this.
My computer is lost in the mail.
If it doesn't come by Monday then I will have to redo my resume.
I didn't really care that much that it was lost. My mom got insurance for it and Jon has a desktop and a laptop so we're more than set on computers.
But then I thought about all of my pictures and my list of who gets a thank you card for being absolutely amazing. And so now I'll be ticked if it doesn't come.
We leave for church in 2 hours.
Im excited.
And even a tiny bit nervous.

Laugh Factory.

The other night we went to the Laugh Factory with a couple friends. Im in California so I half expected to want to get up and walk out, surprisingly enough though, I laughed at a lot of things. Some of these people were pretty funny. Two of them I absolutely hated though, hated so bad I wanted to get up on stage and set everyone else straight. One girl just got married and all of her jokes were about pretty much how it's not that great and how they'll be lucky if they don't get a divorce but the wedding was everything she ever wanted. Well that was annoying to me. And the other guy was talking about his wife and his one year old child. He said that his kid is a life sucker and he has to smoke weed to stay sane around him and his wife is not the same as she was before they had the baby and it's not a good thing. I was appalled. First I was thinking he was just being an idiot and going to turn it around to how they're the greatest ever. But no. He left it at that, and whether he said all of that because it's true or just to make people laugh I was disgusted that he would say it.

There was another guy that actually got me thinking more than anything. Thinking about my senior year theology class and how my teacher was so spot on with what he used the year to teach us and have us teach ourselves. This guys bit went something to the effect of this:
How every religion is the same they just have one thing that they claim to keep them seeming different. Like Christianity, you have to say Jesus is God and you go to heaven or you don't claim him and you burn in hell, not for 5 years, but for eternity. So I'm going to die, go to heaven, see Jesus and he'll say something like, "You were a great dad and you did this and this but you didn't say I was God so you are going to hell, forever." (meanwhile Jon and I are sitting there nodding, yes, yes buddy you would go to hell). He then went on to say how he hates the bumper stickers that read, "Jesus is Lord, Read the Bible." He said that is like saying, "Animals can talk, watch Dr. Doolitle." My immediate response was to get ticked, but not a moment after I realized how right he was and if I were in his place I'd be annoyed about the same thing. He just went on about how Christians pretty much are so dumb for using the Bible as proof when it is the only place that says it, and if he thinks the Bible is a load of crap then why would he believe anything in it. The laughter that roared from these jokes made it clear that I have my work cut out for me.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I'm getting sick.
And it stinks.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wedding Night.

Jon and I sat on the couch of our suite in The Westin, waiting for our luggage. As we sat there he began to tell me that he has promised to keep God in the very center of our marriage and he wanted to show me that by starting our marriage reading the Bible and praying. I am so in love with him. He vowed to read at least 2 chapters a day with me. We started by reading Song of Solomon; so very fitting :) We decided it would be fun to read through the Bible going through one book at a time, randomly. So last night we started on Job 1-2. I love when we read the Bible together. Job always gets me. In the very first chapter I am just in awe of how God brags about his precious son Job. I think it is just a beautiful reality of how God has made us his own and dances over us, sings over us, loves us and wants to push it in Satan's face that we are his devout followers, lovers and children. From Job chapter one we also were given the amazing example of falling face down in worship to God, no matter the circumstances. Right now things are pretty spiffy. We just got married and we're madly in love. God is covering our finances crazily, he has provided us with an amazing apartment to move into, beautiful family and friends ( A real real handsome nephew) and just blessing beyond measure. But life isn't always going to be this way for us. And even when everything seems to be falling apart. We will fall facedown in worship. Because our God, he reigns victorious and we will always praise his Holy Name.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Being married is pretty much amazing. Every moment keeps getting better and better. We have a place to live :-) God loves us so much. He is making everything fall into place for us.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why I love Hugh.

This is why hanging out with a three year old for my best friend is the greatest.

As I am peeing he comes up outside the door:
"Emily, you better hurry up and get out of there or mommy and daddy will come home and see me out here all by myself and think you don't take care of me and leave me alone."

Other quotes from the evening:
Me: "What's the plan for our last night together Hugh?"
Hugh: "Well, we will start by reading books and then, well, you just don't worry about the plan, I know what we're doing."

"Let's go in the front bedroom, but be careful, it gets all trippy in there."

As we're laying in bed:
Me: "I love you Hugh."
Hugh: "I love you too."
Me: "Jesus loves you."
Hugh: "Jesus doesn't love me Emily, God loves me."
Me: "oh. oh alright."
Hugh: "Emily?"
Me: "Ya?"
Hugh: "You know who is in my heart?"
Me: "No I don't. Who?"
Hugh: "Jesus is."
Me: "No way! Who's Jesus."
Hugh: "Well, I think he works for God. Ya, He works for God."
Me: "Oh, What does he do for him?"
Hugh: "Well, he cooks for him, and he makes smoke alarms and puts them on the walls for him, and I think he makes light bulbs and puts them in those things that are there in the things."
Me: "Wow, that's awesome of Jesus. Does he do anything else for God?"
Hugh: "Oh yes, He builds him all sorts of houses."
Me: "With what?"
Hugh: "Don't worry about it Emily"

"Listen Emily, I am not going to sleep until mommy and daddy come home because I do not go to sleep until I give them kisses."

"Hey, don't you think this is such a pectacular puzzle?"

"How about you just go to California for a week and come right back?"

I am going to miss this kid.

Final Fitting.

I had my final fitting today. I tried on my dress with greasy hair, hadn't showered in 2 days, washed my hair in probably longer, Im hairy so I can get waxed next week and I am just all on nasty. Sorry for the horrible horrible image. But I put it on, slipped my shoes on and stood in front of the mirror. And as I stood there, I felt absolutely flawless. And I don't have that feeling much in my life, actually probably never have I experienced that. But it was the most amazing feeling. And I can't believe I get to wear it in one week. I can't believe how much I still have to do! And I am sitting here blogging. And I plan on taking a bath today for no reason other than the fact that I want to.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thank you cards.

It took me all summer to write my graduation thank you cards. I don't think it's going to be like that this time around. I am so anxious to start. It is hard for me to not be writing them right now because of how ridiculously blessed I feel by people. I just keep reminding myself Ill have time once I am in California and I don't have 78 thousand little last minute wedding things to try to finish while I plaster my eyes open trying not to fall asleep.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Breakfast at Tiffany's.

I am not sure where my fascination with Audrey Hepburn came. I am also not sure why Breakfast at Tiffany's remains the best movie of all time in my mind. But I do know that when my emotions are crazy, Jesus always is there to sit and drink tea with me as we watch Breakfast at Tiffany's together. I love that about Jesus. He takes such good care of my heart. I hope I never get sick of Breakfast at Tiffany's. I feel like we have experienced every emotion together. I mean; I am about to put in the 3rd disc I have owned and I am praying to God it doesn't scratch and stay frozen at the party scene forever and ever like the first two did. It needs to make it through the whole movie for me tonight.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A wife.

I am going to be a wife. In my mind I keep coming up with all of these cute things I want to do as a wife. I think I am going to start keeping a list so I don't forget. Today I had one idea. It's a real real good idea. And I realized that in a month I might forget it. So I need to start a list.

Bridal Shower.

I had a bridal shower today. It was too perfect for words. My bridesmaids are so stinkin amazing. I am still in awe of it all and it has been over for five hours now. I feel so blessed to have been showered upon in so many ways today. I almost just cant even write about it yet. It all feels so surreal to me. I am getting married in 13 days! How incredibly crazy and exciting is this?

Friday, January 8, 2010

15 days.

My wedding day is 15 days away. As I stood in front of the mirror this morning it hit me in a way it hadn't before. And I liked it. I just cried and prayed and thanked Jesus a super lot for being so good to me. Because he is so good to me. My bridal shower is in 2 days. Thats so weird. Im a bride. For real a bride. I fooled around with my hair a bit because I am doing it myself. And I think it has potential of being perfect. I am making all of the favors today with the dearest Jesse Scenga. I am so excited. My mind is going crazy with all that I have to do that no one can really do for me. But as I accomplish one thing at a time I feel better and better. Exciting exciting things are happening. I am moving to California! It's weird. It kind of feels like I am just getting ready for another trip. But it's for good. I mean, God might move us somewhere eventually. But for now. It will be my home out there. Jon wrote me a song this summer. In it he wrote the line; "Your the home where I belong." He left that on a blue post it note in my apartment when he left from that September trip. I put it on my door and it has been there ever since. I am glad to be going home with Jonathon. He is where I belong. Im so ready to be his wife.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Live feed of their prayer room.
This is amazing.
I feel like I am there and I am just watching it online.
Everyone should watch these all of the time.


Jaime locked her keys in her car while she was getting gas today.
As I pulled in three hours later to get gas I had a weird feeling in my gut, but I safely secured my keys in my pocket and reminded myself I don't ever lock my door away anyways. I finished and got in my car and laughed at my silliness of thinking that something weird was going to happen. As I pulled onto I-75 I noticed my gas door thingy was open. The rest of the way home I couldn't remember for the life of me if I had put the twisty cap on. By the time I pulled onto my street I came to the conclusion I for sure did not and it had to be gone by now. That's why there was a random honk when I pulled out of the gas station. When I got out I went to shut it and saw the twisty cap sitting right there on the back of my car. Over ten miles, turns and expressways that little cap never fell off. That's real cute of Jesus :-)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


For I believe the first time, I began to feel very anxious about my wedding tonight. As Jaime and I spent the evening shopping for bridesmaid shoes and jewelry I was enjoying my time with her and just feeling relaxed to be in her presence. I pretty much forced her into making some decisions because my mind was slowly getting on overload. When I got home my mind would not stop. The amount of things I have left to do is outrageous. Here this past month I thought that I was super on top of things and making a lot of leeway, and now, seventeen days away from my wedding my mind does not stop reminding me of all that has yet to be accomplished. In the midst of my crazy thought processes I just text Jonathon asking him to pray for me. He called me and as I started to mention the list of things to do he very firmly yet gently told me to stop what I was doing, go make tea, and read my Bible. I am a stubborn and very determined girl. So when I have a list of things to do I am not about to stop it. Plus my pride snuck in and in my mind I got all huffy; does he really think I haven't read my Bible yet today, it's already 10 pm and I have to get this stuff done so I can sleep longer than 5 hours tonight. As he persisted that I needed to drink tea and read my Bible my pridPost Optionse shattered and my determination for accomplishing wedding tasks was corrected to determination for God. And I had realized I hadn't read my Bible yet today. So I began at Isaiah 40. I stopped at verse 8 because it leaves me in awe. And what was going to be my Bible and Tea break has turned into the end of today for me. Im glad God is making my eyes so heavy I have no choice but to sleep. I really could use it.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Anytime someone suggests charades I try to get out of it. I just always start out hating charades. But about 2 people in I wonder why I tried to get out of the game because it is pretty much an amazing game. It was my parents, Nicole and Eric, Angela, and Jon and I. It was hilarious. For a few hours we went through the different Cranium cards acting like fools as my dad kept score by building domino towers. The girls kicked butt. Zechariah takes like an hour nap at 8 instead of sleeping all night so he played with us till past midnight. He thought putting a domino in his mouth and bouncing it with his fingers was fantastic. His top right tooth is starting to come through. It feels nice. I like seeing him grow.