Monday, February 16, 2009

Brace yourself.

As I was driving home tonight I could not help but worship my God.  He rocks my socks off.  On the expressway I noticed this truck was not passing me nor letting me pass it in the midst of my worship.  I glanced over and noticed two guys just staring at me.  Let me assure you it was not because they were trying to hit on some cute girl late at night in another car.  I am glad they got something out of my worship time as well, even if it was just a good laugh :) 

Okay, so.  Let's get down to basics here.  God is amazing.  He is getting bigger and bigger every day I spend with Him.  I can honestly say that I am running out of words in my hopes of expressing our times together and the way He moves in my life and of those around me.  

Let me recap my amazing Sunday. I attended Zion something or other church this morning.  Service started at ten and ended at noon.  It was nice to be at a church that was not held in time.  The pastors spoke with the power of the Spirit and the worship would have been super great if I had not went in with a reserved heart and critical mind.  I will try better next week.  My dad is doing this crazy series called the Truth Project in our home for the next twelve weeks.  If you are interested totally come, we start at one.  The premise of it is this question which sounds simple and obvious, but seriously think about it for longer than the 2 seconds you spend answering it: "Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?"  Right.  If we really believed that when entering into prayer we were entering into the throne room of God like he tells us, we would not be like, oh crap I should probably pray today.  No, we would be like no, don't make me stop! I never want to stop.  If we really believed that what we believed is really real... "We would turn this world upside down!"  Very convicting and wonderful.  We than just gathered and prayed together with my dog laying in the middle of our circle, because really, all creation sings praise to God, why shouldn't Musta?  Love it. 

You think that's the end?  Just the beginning.  Before lighthouse a few of us gathered to pray.  Oh the power of prayer let me tell you.  I was so humbled to be a part of this group and to hear some of these prayers.  The one that stands out to me still is the cry that everyone who comes to lighthouse would come because of the confidence that they will be in the presence of God.  Not just for the music or lights.  Amen.  Let me tell you that God is present in that lighthouse room and it is a beautiful thing.  Well into lighthouse I went after we finished praying and immediately I was pulled into worship.  My God is so amazing He deserves nothing less than every muscle in my body moving and every vocal chord I have crying out to proclaim his glory and that does not even begin what he really deserves of me.  How was the message you ask?  Right on.  I am a Christian.  Let me tell you it was convicting.  Claiming to be a Christian is tough stuff; the stereotypes to try to overcome and the people that you don't know that you find yourself trying to defend.  But is that not what I am trying so hard to live my life as?  A Little Christ?  That is what I yearn for.  The view has such a tainted view of Christians that even Christians try to avoid the term.  No longer will it be!  Let me tell you the power that spoke through that as the music began the statement echoed through voices throughout the room.  "I am a Christian."  Hearing a room full of hundreds of young adults claiming their identity in Christ is pretty intense let me tell you.  And pretty encouraging when I find myself spending a lot of time agonizing over the supposed Christians that are turning people away from Christ by their views of who He is.  (Which I am guilty of as well of course).  

After the message my heart could not even handle the worship.  By the last song I asked God to stop because I thought my heart just might explode out of my chest.  My throat hurt, my heart was racing, my arms were sore, my body was aching and I could not get that smile off of my face!! Let's talk about this song. 
You won't relent
Until You have it all
My heart is Yours

I'll set You as a seal upon my heart
As a seal upon my arm
For there is love that is as strong as death
Jealousy demanding as the grave
And many waters cannot quench this love

Come be the fire inside of me
Come be the flame upon my heart
Come be the fire inside of me
Until You and I are one
-Misty Edwards.

Holy fricken crap.  Seriously.  Crying that out to God was insane, I felt like I could not sing loud enough. "Come be the fire inside of me!!!"  Love Jesus.  Okay so I want to just paste in all of the amazing songs that made my heart race for my God, but I won't.

Instead I will tell you that after, I found myself in a room with a group of people.  Let's talk prayer baby.  Praise God for a beautiful girl I know nothing more than her name and the fact that Jesus is now in her life! Oh the glory of Jesus.  Just today or yesterday or something I had underlined in Luke 15:10, "Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents."  Let me just tell you that I felt that joy burning in my heart.  As we prayed for her and praised God for who He is I knew in my heart I was rejoicing with all of the angels of God over her and it was an overwhelming feeling.  Than a nice boy shared that he raised his hand for the first time to God, and I cried.  I pray that everyone who claims to be of Christ comes to a point where the yearning to be closer to Jesus takes over and an outstretched arm reaches for his.  Where the glory of who God truly is is so overtaking, the least of what we can do is reach out our hands to God.  Lamentations 3:41, "Let us lift up our hearts and hands to God in heaven."  All of the other little ways that God has worked today are too numerous to be recorded.  I cannot get enough of prayer.  Seriously it is so powerful and God is so faithful through it.  If there is any way I can pray for you please let me know.  You can be confident that I will intercede on your behalf because whoever you are I am super in love with you and want to see God working so deeply and personally in your life.  I could go on all night but I need to wake up and wash my hair in the morning.  And we're all out of anything caffeine and I think I'm addicted again so this could be an issue. Oh well. 

PS. I really want to be there when "the mountains and hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." Isaiah 55:12.  Seriously, think about that one for a moment.

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