Thursday, February 4, 2010

Being Lazy.

I am not one for being lazy.
I am not one for sleeping in past nine or taking naps.
But it's just so different when you have someone to do it with.
I thought that this week Jon and I were going to do crazy things all of the time and be super adventurous.
Turns out we just sit around.
And I wouldn't change a minute of it.
Granted we go places and do things and it's all fun.
But we just lay together, and it feels good.
I got him out of bed this morning before ten and we did P90X Kempo.
It's pretty much kickboxing and I felt so much freedom working out in a place twice the size of my old apartment while Jon kicked everything in his path because he is so long :) I love him.

The other day we hiked up a mountain and had a nice picnic lunch and read the Bible and prayed together there.
Yesterday we walked to Starbucks and read there.
And today we drove to the classic Cafe Audrey.
I like going to different places to read the Bible together.
It's a fun feel.

Tomorrow Jon and I are taking a test to possibly be census takers. If you never hear about this again it's because we are too dumb and they didn't want to hire us.
At 3:30 tomorrow I have my first interview.
I am nervous.
I am just trusting God to make it very clear where he wants me.

When I do things like send my resume places and search for jobs and clean and stuff while Jon practices and sends out his resume and stuff, I start to miss him. It's weird and silly of me, we're only ten feet away. But I guess after over 2 years of not getting to be in his arms when I want to it gets hard to not be in his arms when he's so close. I wonder if this changes. It's hard to be productive so I hope it does. But at the same time, I really hope it doesn't.

Im obsessed with cooking. I love feeding my husband. It sounds so silly but I just love cooking up yummy meals for us. Who would've thought. Surely not I.

Theres my I haven't blogged in forever quick update. Ill get better about blogging.


love79me said...

I stumbled upon your blog as i was browsing through a variety of blogs. I just have to say how interesting I find it. Not in a bad way, but just an interesting way of looking at life. For me, believing in God isn't hard, but believing in the people and the churches are. There is so much hypocrisy in what church have as their teachings when it comes to groups like the LGBTQ community. While I do disagree on many counts, I am glad you have the strength and fortitude to put your beliefs out there. And congrats on the wedding.

Emily said...

I couldn't agree more with you. The church makes it very difficult for people to understand who God really is. We are all sinful human beings. We mess up and no one in their right mind could ever claim perfection.

And God is so infinite and awesome beyond anything that are finite minds could even begin to comprehend, yet we want to understand him so much that we simplify him and give him rules and boundaries so that we have our little God in the perfect box with everything that makes sense. Yet this is not at all the way that it should be. God is huge, creator of the universes, creator of every cell in our body and every leaf on the trees. As much as some churches may try to keep him in a box, that is not where he belongs.

I have never heard of the LGBTQ community though. What is that?

Emily said...

I couldn't agree more with you. It is sad that so many people in church have to struggle with such pride and hate, but that just goes to show how deeply we all need the grace of God :) Yay for Jesus!