Monday, March 22, 2010

The Shred.

I am disappointed to say that I am back to The Shred.
I reached a point last summer where I could do level three and barely break a sweat.
Now I am stuck on level two. Sweating. A lot.
I am determined to make this change very quickly by getting my body into a routine of waking up at 615 to work out before work every day.
I am looking forward to this very much.
I am also looking forward to the weekends of beautiful sun and heat where I can swim laps in the pool.
Although it won't be as good of a workout since Jaime wont be here.
She always loved kicking my butt by making me swim without my arms or legs for laps at a time.
And well.
We did almost drown once.
That was a good time.

1 comment:

jbenkelman said...

Oh what I would do to be able to get up that early and workout...and make that "normal" for my body. It would make life so much...easier.