Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I started reading the book of 1 Samuel on Saturday morning and fell in love.  I had all but one chapter finished by the end of the night.  I began reading 2 Samuel on Monday but am a little disturbed.  Because Samuel died back in the first book.  I don't understand why they named a whole other book after him.  It should be called David.  Because thats really what this is all about.

 A few mixed up conclusions from 1 Samuel:

Love and serve the Lord with your whole heart.
Do not lay a hand on God's anointed.
If God is ever searching for a woman after His own heart, I hope he thinks I fit the description.
Soul mates are legitimate.  Not just close friends or whatever.  Soul mates.  I feel blessed to have one- she's a girl.
Don't let your children blaspheme the Lord, your whole house will be cursed.
God doesn't judge by outward appearance.  Thank goodness!
When I read about Goliath I thought about a little boy at the daycare and smiled a real lot, I wished I was reading it with him.
I wish Israel wasn't so stupid and God was still are King.
Fitting in with people around you just causes you crap.
I am glad God's not okay with a man having three different wives now.
I want to be filled with the Spirit and prophesy.
How does God send a disabling spirit?  I am so confused on that one.
I want to play guitar so when people have disabling spirits my mad guitar skills and the Spirit of God will rid it :)
I am glad I haven't had spears thrown at me by the president.
If our country trusted in God this war would be long over by now. 
I wonder if my Jonathon would ever cut off foreskins of like thirty men to have me as his wife.
I wonder why David would send his wife to marry someone else after he did that to get her? 
Bible Jonathan was crazy sacrificial and gave up his entire future for his soul mate.  
Jonathan still died next to his father because he understood the importance of family and respecting your father even though he tries to kill your soul mate.
I wonder how God can be all knowing and not be mad at David ahead of time for what we all know he does because of his lust.  
I am glad we don't have to sacrifice animals anymore.
I am glad that I am allowed to converse daily with the creator of the universe.
I am glad he loves me as his own child and has overwhelmed my heart with his love.
I am glad that he has given me a super cozy couch to sleep on.  
I am glad that he has blessed me with an amazing boyfriend to be in love with... even when we only get to talk for ten minutes all day :( I miss him.

I love Jesus, okay?

Oh and I also love my dear friend Samee a lot.  She is beautiful and amazing and on my heart all of the time.  I am supposedly waking up early to go walking... but its almost 1230 already.  I hate when hours go by so quickly!


Constance said...

I have a soulmate. And, she's a girl. I think when God molds our hearts, it just somehow He takes a piece and hides it in someone else's. So, that when you meet, you find the missing piece of your heart. And, that is your soulmate. Sometimes, it's a boy and sometimes, it's a girl. Also, I think I'm gonna read I Samuel today.

Jon Ketchum said...

I would cut off the foreskin for thirty men for you.