Friday, May 1, 2009


I am sick of being a do everything at night person.  I am trying to reverse that role so I can enjoy waking up early and hanging out with God as the sun rises and he reminds me yet again of his faithfulness. 
Job 38:12-13 
"Have you commanded the morning since your days began,
 and caused the dawn to know its place,
that it might take hold of the skirts of the earth,
 and the wicked be shaken out of it." 

God is so big that if he decided to keep the sun set until 400 tomorrow afternoon, he could do it.  But he has used the sunrise as a beautiful reminder of his consistent faithfulness, day in and day out.  It is going to be difficult to reverse this role of night person to morning person if I cannot fall asleep at night....

"I see Your face in every sunrise
The colors of the morning are inside Your eyes
The world awakens in the light of the day
I look up to the sky and say
You’re beautiful"
-Phil Wickham- You're Beautiful.
Amazing song that God has woken me up singing on numerous occasions over the past week.  
With the beauty of creation what can I do but praise it's creator? 

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