Friday, May 8, 2009


This picture is a happy reminder to me of how much this long distance relationship will be worth every moment of aching heart when one day we can finally hang out in real life without spending $300 and a four hour plane ride.  

I wonder why my blogging has been so scarce?
I am not sure.
But I do know that I miss California and beautiful friends who love Jesus and can praise the beauty of God's amazing creation with me as we walk along the beach :)

Guitar Time. I am so tired.  5.5 hours of 1 Timothy discussions on a Friday night.  My life never gets boring.  God is intense. Work tomorrow.  Exhausted.  Need guitar. Miss Jonathon.  Need Jesus. Have pins and needles in my feet. Have low battery on my computer.  Want pajamas.  Must start saving for an amp so Jaime and I can start a garage band for Jesus.  Only one mic necessary because my voice will not be projected.  Need a cured ankle so rollerblading around Stoney at 0630 am does not make pressing on the gas pedal painful.  Can't keep my eyes open.  Need to do my hand stretches on my guitar so my fingers don't die.  Need to play a song.  Love Jesus.  This is the end of these not really sentences.  My heart is happy.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let me just tell you that I absolutely adore this and your non-sentences. It's great. I want to copy. But won't.