Sunday, January 31, 2010

Laugh Factory.

The other night we went to the Laugh Factory with a couple friends. Im in California so I half expected to want to get up and walk out, surprisingly enough though, I laughed at a lot of things. Some of these people were pretty funny. Two of them I absolutely hated though, hated so bad I wanted to get up on stage and set everyone else straight. One girl just got married and all of her jokes were about pretty much how it's not that great and how they'll be lucky if they don't get a divorce but the wedding was everything she ever wanted. Well that was annoying to me. And the other guy was talking about his wife and his one year old child. He said that his kid is a life sucker and he has to smoke weed to stay sane around him and his wife is not the same as she was before they had the baby and it's not a good thing. I was appalled. First I was thinking he was just being an idiot and going to turn it around to how they're the greatest ever. But no. He left it at that, and whether he said all of that because it's true or just to make people laugh I was disgusted that he would say it.

There was another guy that actually got me thinking more than anything. Thinking about my senior year theology class and how my teacher was so spot on with what he used the year to teach us and have us teach ourselves. This guys bit went something to the effect of this:
How every religion is the same they just have one thing that they claim to keep them seeming different. Like Christianity, you have to say Jesus is God and you go to heaven or you don't claim him and you burn in hell, not for 5 years, but for eternity. So I'm going to die, go to heaven, see Jesus and he'll say something like, "You were a great dad and you did this and this but you didn't say I was God so you are going to hell, forever." (meanwhile Jon and I are sitting there nodding, yes, yes buddy you would go to hell). He then went on to say how he hates the bumper stickers that read, "Jesus is Lord, Read the Bible." He said that is like saying, "Animals can talk, watch Dr. Doolitle." My immediate response was to get ticked, but not a moment after I realized how right he was and if I were in his place I'd be annoyed about the same thing. He just went on about how Christians pretty much are so dumb for using the Bible as proof when it is the only place that says it, and if he thinks the Bible is a load of crap then why would he believe anything in it. The laughter that roared from these jokes made it clear that I have my work cut out for me.

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