Sunday, May 10, 2009

Too many options.

Right now I feel as though I have too many options on what to do in my life.  Such things as where to live, what pair of flip flops I should wear tomorrow, what type of ministry I should focus in, where I should give money to, if I should bother keeping any for myself, who to try to get together with, and on and on I feel like.  Some little, some big things, but I am sick of making decisions.  

Sometimes I want to be busy from six in the morning until ten at night with lots of God time intermixed throughout where I am working, serving, talking, listening and giving all for someone else's benefit and not my own.

But than sometimes I change my mind and want hours free to kiss my nephew, hug my sisters, listen to my parents talk, rollerblade around Stoney, drink too much coffee, bond with my soul mate who is a girl, read the Old Testament, play lots of guitar, turn my phone off and lose it, and look at my handsome boyfriend on my computer screen as he tells me stories and randomly freezes and looks like he has deformities.  

Why do I have such a difficult time doing all of that without feeling misplaced, disorganized and absolutely chaotic?  Why do I still have two laundry baskets full of clean clothes sitting in my room itching to be put away?  Why have I spent this entire blog on lists and run on sentences?  Why I am I typing in front of computer screen when I could be singing a song to Jesus as I cautiously strum along?  Goodnight. Good night.  Is it one of two words?  I never know.  My computer doesn't underline either.  Both look wrong to me right now.  I have issues. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

talk to my soul mate, who is a girl.