Monday, June 22, 2009

Bearing the Marks of His Love

"I’m now in love

With a Saviour

Bearing the marks of His love"

This gets me every time I sing it. That's what love is all about. Jesus tells me time and time again that He loves me. But what makes me so sure of these powerful words is the way he showed it. The way he died for me. The selflessness and love that encompasses my salvation is overwhelming. Because of his death on the cross I cling to every word he has spoken, I cling to every moment he wants to spend with me. Every day he sends countless love letters to me. Reminders of his Love. It is amazing to have a God that is so passionately pursuing me he never relents. It is like he is not satisfied with showing his love by sending his Son to die for me, even though that is all I will ever need. No, as I go on a walk burdened and crying he leads me to numerous wild daisies because I am in love with the joy that daisies bring. And as I open his Word wondering about my importance he leads me to the Psalms where I read that I am the apple of his eye. I am his pitiful daughter and lover and as I stumble upon the same struggles time and time again he gently sends me the same reminders in all of his love and patience. At times where I struggle to be joyful in all circumstances he doesn't push me and tell me to get over myself. He gently holds me, wipes away my tears and heals my heart with each reminder of his unconditional love for me. He after all is the God of all comfort. I look at myself and can't figure it out. I am nothing special. I cannot love like I am supposed to, I am selfish and prideful. I do not invest into others like my God has invested into me and commands me to do. I am nothing. I do not use my gifts for his glory. I spend far too much time for myself. I do not always give cheerfully. I am wretched and disgusting. Yet he loves me. My God loves me. The creator of the ends of the earth and the galaxies that surpass understanding loves me. The God who was and is and is to come is pursuing me, relentlessly, passionately and purposefully. I cannot wrap my mind around it. I don't need to either, because I know it to be true, and I trust in him with everything I have. This is the best love story I could ever be a part of.

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