Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why I love Jaime.

Driving home from Hillsong I am snacking on a bag of raisins.
me: I wish I would stop eating this.
Jaime rips them out of my hand zips the bag and throws them in the back seat.

Treading water like idiots in five feet of water:
Jaime: Ted thinks it's funny how we work out together because we make each other laugh and then yell at each other to stop laughing so we can keep working out.
Me: That's so true.
Jaime: No hands for a minute
Me: How will we know when it's a minute?
Jaime: 1...2...3...4...5...6
Me: (starts to sink because I cannot handle the fact that she plans on counting to 60)
Jaime: (Laughs at my sinking and chokes on water)
Both: (Laugh and die from pool water and realize Ted has us right on)

me: I am going to try not to check my email or facebook for a few days
I get home later that day and go to check both and my password for both has been changed...
Miss Davis, did you change my passwords?!
I love her.

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