Saturday, March 7, 2009


I love the rain. Cozy pants, warm fire, family and baby Zechariah just woke up :)

Jesus rocks.

Jonathon is the most supportive, understanding and amazing boyfriend ever. I cannot believe what he not only puts up with with me as his girlfriend but even encourages! So blessed.

So I never shared about my amazing Saturday in California!! Real quick because I have family to love with.

Laguna Beach. Beautiful oh my goodness. Jonathon and I laid down for a little bit and then decided to go for a walk. We walked for probably a couple hours. No phones, no shoes, no nothing. Just sand, water and killer rocks to climb. We had to do some major climbing to continue our walk because some of the rocks were definitely trying to keep us from passing. As we overcame a steep little thing I saw a little ways out into the water was this rock formation that had an opening that was like a little pathway sort of thing that two people would fit through. Jonathon did not want to step on a stingray to get there but was daring with me because he knew how badly I wanted to climb out there with him :) It was so much fun. And we stood in between the rocks and made out. It felt like it should have been a movie. Those are the times where you wish you had someone following you around taking pictures while you don't know it.

After that walk we ate some yummy salads. As Jon felt like laying down a little bit more LB, Nicole and I walked forever and ever the opposite way. It was amazing girl chatting and loving. I peed in the ocean two times so despite the fact that everyone said I would not get in. I did! See.

After a loooong drive home that was over two hours us girls showered all of our oil and sand off and cooked some yummy dinner. I didn't really do anything except stir up some vegetables if we're being honest though. So the six of us enjoyed some great food and then watched Changeling. Jon tried to give me a bite of ice cream when we were laying down and it dripped down my neck and onto my hoodie. brr. I slept.

End of story. Sunday soon to come. I had a super good story to tell everyone, but I forgot it now.

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