Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Roid Rage.

I told my mom that I thought the steroids were making me crazy because I was beyond emotional today and not about to start my time of having an excuse to be emotional. 
She said something to the effect of, "umm Emily, I never remember them affecting you like this. Maybe your just crazy."
I laughed. Because she's my mom. And she's always right. 

When I have my moments of racing heart, falling tears, insane ideas and radical love like last night... Not twelve hours later Satan uses every tactic he can to tell me I will fail, I am too weak, I am all alone, and blah blah.  Well good news is: I have Jesus.  IN HIM all things are possible. IN HIM his strength is made perfect. IN HIM I will never be alone again. Satan can throw as many attacks at me as he wants, but at the end of the day,  I am still going to do whatever the heck God tells me to do.  Every idea he has given me and passion he has put on my heart these past few months, I WILL do.  Whether it's in Michigan, California, New York, Ohio or Canada even.  Satan can attack me, but he cannot take away my heart.  Jesus has taken over.  

PS. It is such a good stinking thing this life is not about me and my wonderfulness and successfulness, because it would surely be a waste.  But praise God this life is for Him and for His glory. And with him in control, He will work, when I feel as though I have wasted. 

PSX2. I am going to visit my best friend next weekend. :) I love her.  The travel time will be nice, the adventures with Jesus while she is working will be nice, and listening to her heart will be so very very nice.  I'm all about this.  Hopefully my dad lets me borrow his car!  I fear Irma will get tired... not break down! Just tired.  But if I must take her, I will.  We will just take a nap together in the middle of the short trip. 

PSX3. I am getting impatient waiting for Jonathon to make up his mind about that tattoo. 

PSX4. Even though this is my blog, I feel selfish for having used the word "I" so many times. 
Whoever you are that is reading this. You absolutely rock.  Your smile is wonderful to see and your words are pleasant to the ears! You have a heart that makes other hearts smile and you have a way about you that makes people love you just so very much.  Jesus loves you more than any of those people ever could though which is why he died so that you would not have to taste death! Instead you can spend eternity with him.  You can rest assured in his undying and unconditional love for you that gives you a purpose for this life and a reason to smile no matter what is hurting your heart right now.  Imagine that the God who created you, loves you enough to die for you. Unbelievable.  God thinks you rock.  Thank you for being you :) 
(warning: I'm about to be selfish)  
I love you too! :)  

1 comment:

Denise Janell said...

Canada? Since when? STEROIDS!!